Monday, January 18, 2010

Secrets to Selling Your Home During Super Bowl

The San Francisco 49ers' Super Bowl XXIX troph...Image via Wikipedia
Information is knowledge, knowledge is influence, and influence is power. – anonymous

Knowing when to sell your home is powerful information.

If you are contemplating selling your house, don’t wait for ‘spring’ in February.

Most experts agree it’s a mistake to put off listing your until after the Super Bowl on February 7. You should already be starting the interview process to find the best agent for the job; the job of bringing your home to market. You want the highest and best price for your home.

It is not ignorance that is the problem, but the illusion of knowledge.-anonymous

If you are thinking of selling, waiting to list until after the Super Bowl festivities have passed is probably a mistake according to some experts.

If you are new to the selling game, or haven’t sold a house in years, here are a few thoughts:

• Start interviewing agents.

• Choose agent from area you wish to live.

• Ask agent to provide a comparative market analysis of neighborhood.

• Be aware that properties that didn’t sell in the fall will be back on market.

• High inventory levels tend to bring market prices down.

Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence.-ANONYMOUS

Most people have inflated ideas of what their home is worth in this boom gone bust economy. Don’t price your home based on 2006 and 2007 numbers, be realistic and listen to the expert you’ve chosen to represent you, your Realtor.

What's My House Worth?.. get a Free valuation by writing to or calling (415) 378-6614

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