Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Getting The Highest & Best Price


So you have decided to put your property up for sale, now it is time to meet with your favorite realtor. Be very carful when setting the price point, be realistic in what you expect to get at end of closing. Be very careful examining the comparable properties in your neighborhood. Investigate the type of repairs made; consider closing costs by using a net sheet, etc. Your realtor should never over-quote what the real market price is just to get the listing, because he will never be able to sell your property for more than the offer received by the highest bidder.
Work out a schedule with your realtor in advance as to when you’d like to go over how your listing is performing compared to the competition including unique visitors and open houses. Reports should be provided to sellers on a regular basis and reviewed to adjust price point if needed.
For your copy of a free report called “Getting the Highest and Best Price” write me at Andrew@realtorintouch.com.

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